Eight People, 22 Diseases, and a Juicer
It was a drastic dieting experiment gone bad.
Film-maker Morgan Spurlock gorged himself on fast food for an entire month. By the end, he gained 24 pounds, experienced sexual dysfunction, and saw his cholesterol level soar. His story, Super Size Me, shows the great power we have to affect our own health!
That same power fuels Super Juice Me, the story of a dieting experiment gone well. Eight winning applicants spent 28 days together at a magnificent healing retreat in Portugal. The group, suffering from a collective 22 diseases, several of them incurable, hoped for a miracle. They were fighting heart disease, hypoglycemia, obesity, Crohn’s, Asthma, Lupus, and more.
During their stay, the participants lived on nothing but fresh juices (with medical supervision for safety). They eliminated inflammatory foods from their diets. At the same time, highly absorbable juices flooded their bodies with nutrients.
The Power of Juice
The results were remarkable
What struck me the hardest was the testimony of the Crohn’s sufferer whose doctor said it didn’t matter what she ate.
I mean, we’re talking about a digestive disease!
Unfortunately, we had already heard that story more than once.
By the end of the four weeks, the inflammation in her digestive tract had diminished so much, her doctor told her she could stop taking immunosuppressants. She would be able to take conventional medicines as needed instead of relying on them every day.
Another participant – one who expected to crave sweets and potato chips – was surprised to find her cravings quickly vanish. What went right? She had nourished and satisfied her body effectively, so there was no longer a need to fill!
Get Inspired!
If you haven’t seen Super Juice me yet, I encourage you to watch this inspiring film.
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